
Virtual Hosting Howto With Virtualmin On CentOS 5.1

Virtual Hosting Howto With Virtualmin On CentOS 5.1

Version 1.0.1
Author: Andrew Colin Kissa <andrew [at] topdog [dot] za [dot] net>


This tutorial shows how to set up a CentOS 5.x server to offer all services needed by virtual web hosters. These include web hosting, smtp server with (SMTP-AUTH and TLS, SPF, DKIM, Domainkeys), DNS, FTP, MySQL, POP3/IMAP, Firewall, Webalizer for stats.

I will use the following software:


OS Installation


To install the system you will need


Install The Base System

NOTE Some stages of the installation are not described here in interest of keeping the howto short, The grub configuration stages are left out for instance.

Set IP address and netmask:

Set gateway and dns servers:

Set the hostname:

Start the installation:

File system is formatted:

The installation will run:

Reboot the system:

Virtual Hosting Howto With Virtualmin On CentOS 5.1